Friday, June 5, 2009


My recently abandoned addiction to You Tube has left me with a few videos in my hard drive. As I began the process of elimination, to free up drive space for something more edifying, I had to chuckle at some of the downloads I accrued. Some were beautiful and powerful songs of worship, from such bands as Eden's Bridge, Iona, Lianne Klassen. Others were bona fide STINKERS, of which I have no idea why I downloaded. So, for fun, instead of deleting them to the recycle bin I Chose to post them for your viewing pleasure...As you Watch, Feel free to choose which one, if either give Glory to God, and The Lord Jesus Christ...Soooooooo...LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... TIME FOR THE WORSHIP MUSIC BATTLE OF THE BANDS!

Contestant number one is a pastor of a Sovereign Grace Church in Smyrna Tennessee. A Former musician for the Hard Rock Band "707," He is now a Gifted teacher, author and a superior musician, Who played ALL the instruments on this video! representing Grace Christian Assembly...Pastor Jim McClarty!!!!

Beautifully done! Reverent worship music that Gives Glory to our Sovereign God! I praise the Lord for Pastor Jim and His ministry!

Our next contestant is a prolific author and teacher of Liberal emergent doctrine. He VEHEMENTLY denies many of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian Faith, and is more concerned with social action than evangelizing. considered the "Godfather" of the Emergent Church Movement, he is also the founding Pastor of Ceder Ridge Community church, in Spencerville Maryland. From His Debut CD, "Songs For a Revolution of Hope, Here is Brian McLaren and Friends performing "Atheist!"

Ummm... o.k...whew... uh, well, Bob Dylan has nothing to worry about here. This piece has a strange "late 60's too much acid creepiness" about it. but then again, so does Brian's theology... I wonder what this would sound like backmasked...

So 'Ere ya have it, the first two contestants in the Worship Music Battle of the Bands.
Feel Free to leave your vote in the comment section, along with any flame you wish to light under my tail... Until next time, Good Bye and God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch, the Brian MacLaren 'composition' brings to mind a frenetic pagan ritual with an accompaniment of nails being scratched across a blackboard (or is that a screeching banshee in the background?). An the lyrics? Whoa... or should that be WOE.

    The winner, hands down, for his Christ glorifying song, is Pastor Jim McClarty. God bless him.

    Thank you for sharing the video's with us, brother. The Lord bless and refresh you daily.
