Thursday, June 4, 2009

Long time-No blog,

Although the title is probably far from original, it seems to fit well with my current status
concerning this site. Been spending A lot of time posting on You Tube. in areas that generate a lot of smoke, and no fire... much of it is like going out and yelling at a tree... Meanwhile, in thinking I am doing God a favor while posting in that freak show, several issues have been Brought to my attention concerning my walk with God. As I sit here at the desk, morning cup of coffee slowly growing cold, I happened to run into something that caused me to examine my life before my Heavenly Father. Instead of Going into great detail, I posted a widget from Heartcry Ministries, which appears to the left of this text. If you get nothing else from this Blog site, I encourage you to listen to the sermon, "Examine yourself" by Paul Washer.
It gave me Much to think about, and as I truly examine myself, I am not liking what I see...

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