Wow... This is totally new to me, so here we go... It has been my intention to start a blog for some time now, but I never got a " 'round tuit." (had a bunch of square tuits and a few triangle tuits, but no round 'uns). Be that as it may, I finally got a 'round tuit, so here I am....
I have been wanting to start a Blog to voice my opinion on whatever issue pops up in my thick skull, chiefly of a religious or philosophical nature. So at the start let me make a few points clear.
1. I am a Christian by faith, A Baptist by preference, and Reformed in my theology. I believe in the Five fundamentals of the Christian Faith, and make no apology for what has been passed down to me by God, through faithful and learned men. I love the Holy Bible, and the Lord Jesus Christ and will defend the faith to the best of my ability.
2. My spelling is lousey (Did I spell lousey right?) and sometimes I am to lazy to use a spell checker, My grammar is not to hot either, so please forgive me for any errors.
3. As a Fundamental Christian, many of my posts will seem intolerant, That comes with the territory. I do not believe in sacrificing Long-established Biblical truth on the alter of inclusivity with those who do not share my faith. I do believe that people are free to believe worship as they see fit, and live as they choose. Loving your neighbor is one of the two pillars of the Christian Faith, (Loving God is the other) so if you disagree, feel free to disagree agreeably.
4. Although I have no problems with Course name calling...(Buzzard Bait, yard bird, dipstick pinhead, dog meat, ect... all in fun) I will not tolerate filthy language in this space. It is my hope that people here will realize that I am a Christian, and respect my wishes in this area. All responses containing such language will be removed..
So... this is my first post. Many will follow, so feel free to read and respond accordingly!
Love and CHAO!
Dorian of the Cross
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