I never cease to be amazed at the things you find on the Internet, claiming to be "Christian." The availability of information on the web ranges from good fundamental teaching to a wash of absolute garbage. I liken it to the fond childhood memory of dumpster diving. In the effort of climbing into a smelly, greasy metal box, you hope to find something "cool" and, more often than not, you find something better left to rot...Much like today, some things on the net are sound and edifying, and other stink of the rottenness of false teaching. Weather digging through garbage to find "treasure," or surfing the web for pearls of wisdom, the key is to know the difference. True followers of Christ must be able to discern the truth from error, and therein lies the major problem with the Church. The pitiful lack of sound bible teaching has opened the Church to grevious error that undermines the faith of believers, and fails miserably to bring the gospel message to lost souls. A series of best selling books and a message which is considered "relevant to the postmodern culture of today", does not make the Author a Christian. being the son of a famous preacher and having a huge congregation at your stadium sized church does not make one a minister of the gospel. A twenty pound leather bible, a three piece suit, and a ministry that proudly displays your name does not cut it either... When Jesus was preaching what we call the "Sermon on the Mount," (Matthew 7: 15-20) he warned us of false prophets who come in sheep's clothing, but who were ravening wolves inwardly. Then He went on to make a very direct and revealing statement. "Ye shall know them by their fruits." What exactly did Jesus mean by fruits? lifestyle? Good works? Remember what he said earlier, They WEAR SHEEP'S CLOTHING! The outer appearance was that of righteous men, they looked and acted the part... So in my opinion, The fruits Christ spoke of had, in this case, nothing to do with lifestyle or appearance. It is my humble belief that the fruits Jesus was referring to were the fruit of their doctrine. In II Corinthians 11, Paul said that those who preach a different Jesus, Gospel and Holy Spirit than that which he preached were, false apostles deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES into Apostles of Christ just as Satan transforms himself into an angel of light...(II Corinthians 11: 13-15) We can safely say that concerning spiritual leaders, looks can be deceiving... It is what they teach that counts. Even when Paul preached the gospel, the people of Berea received his word, and "STUDIED THE SCRIPTURES whether those things were so." (Acts 17:10-11) If the Apostle Paul's preaching was subject to the test of Holy Scripture, How much more so these who shower us with books and videos that boost the self esteem and tickle the ear? The Bible is not subject to the interpretation of the teacher, the teachers interpretation is subject to The Bible. remember this, and search the scriptures daily whether those things are so...
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