Saturday, February 7, 2009


"These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; That ye may know that ye have eternal life,
and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."
I John 5:13 (KJV)

Assurance of Salvation, The one thing that separates Christianity from every other religion in the world today. The knowledge that, if we are trusting in Christ as our Savior, we have eternal life. No other religion can offer that, not Islam, Not Buddhism, not Hinduism. No other religion or philosophy can offer the rest that is found in the simple saving faith of The Lord Jesus Christ. And I would not give a plug nickel to any minister who could, (or would) not teach this blessed promise.
Yet as I learn of the ministries of many who name the name of Christ, I see that they are sorrowfully lacking in the ability to communicate this promise.
I read a blog from one such ministry, where a young man, a Christian, was worried about whether he was going to heaven. What was worse, the person writing the blog, couldn't give him an answer he had confidence in either. That is sad... There are thousands of believers, dear and genuine followers of Christ, who really wonder if they have any hope of seeing eternal life. And we are failing to give them the answers they so desperately need. Yet the assurance of salvation is clearly taught in The Bible.

"These things I have written"

The Holy spirit inspired John to write this epistle so that believers would have a record of God's salvation, and man's assurance. It was a written declaration of assurance for every believer. So to say there is no such thing as assurance of salvation is to deny the promise God has given us, through the Apostle John.

That ye may KNOW that ye have eternal life"

Knowledge is not a question you ask, it is a fact that you can accept. Assurance of salvation starts with knowledge. You can know that you have eternal life. It is a Bible promise. All through the Gospel of John and the writings of Paul, assurance is clear. If you are a minister, and can not give your flock assurance that they are saved, or you outright refuse to believe in this precious promise, you are ignorant of God's Word, and have no business shepherding a flock of believers... Is It that important? Yes it is. Here's why...

Your average Mormon or Jehovah's Witness believes that Jesus died for their sins. They get baptised, They read and study their bible, They are faithful to their church, they tithe,
and fulfill their version of the great commission, better than most Christians, and they have no assurance of salvation. Or, what little assurance they do have, is based on maintaining faithfulness to God, through service to their particular organization.
You say their gospel is a different gospel. That is true enough...yet I ask you this. If you have no assurance of salvation, no guarantee you will go to heaven, What is the difference between the gospel you believe, and theirs? And if your only assurance of salvation is the fact that you maintain faithfulness to God through good works, are you any different from those above named religions? The Bible says you are saved by grace through faith, and that not of yourselves, not of works lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) If your assurance of salvation is based on your works, are YOU not believing a different gospel than what the bible teaches?
Think about it....
You say that they believe in a different Jesus. That is true too. But God promises that "I will never leave you or forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5), and Jesus says "I will be with you always even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20). If you have no assurance of salvation, is not your view of Jesus Christ different from the Bible? Are you not also believing in a different Jesus?
If God will never leave you, and Jesus will always be with you, how can you have no assurance?
The assurance of salvation is essential to a proper understanding of the Gospel of Christ. And yes, it is tied up in the security of the believer, because if you are not secure in your faith, you can have no assurance...but that is another blog... Suffice it to say that God's promises are true, and God's Promise... is your assurance...

"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them Eternal life; and they shall NEVER PERISH"
John 10v 27-28a

Thank you Lord Jesus...Amen.

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