This one particular time, as I was locating the Grace Community Church, which is on Commerce Street, and I decided to move the map to a location I thought was long gone. The place where God chose For me to hear the call of the Gospel. To my surprise, it was still there...

My memory is somewhat fuzzy, but I recall sitting in the station foreman's office at the City Transit motor pool, located next to the restaurant. I had my bible, and a spread of magazines which included a "Plain Truth" and a "Decision" There was a spiritual need which I had tried to fill in the best way I knew how, with a mix of anything that appeared to be "christian" regardless of it's origin. I studied everything from Watchtower, to Worldwide Church of God, to Radio Bible Class, and Billy Graham literature.
It was in this state of confusion that Our Great God saw fit to send His evangelist, a dear brother of the Faith, Jimmy Alexander. He was a fellow Driver who went through the same training
classes as me. I can recall how during the down time of our training he was reading a small New Testament. Little did I know that he would see my struggling, and be led of God to show me the
Glorious light of the Gospel .
As I sat at the table, magazine's laid out, he stopped by, and made a statement that I can not quite remember verbatim, but I do recall him referring to my reading material as "garbage,"
and his desire to show me the "truth."
To make a already too long story short, over a couple of breakfast biscuits and some orange juice, Jimmy, using a napkin, drew images to show that God was Holy and I was a sinner separated from God. The great separation between me and God could only be bridged by Jesus Christ. He quoted verses

from Romans and 1st John. He drew a cross on the napkin that bridged the gap between God and I.
I came to Jesus Christ that day, and yes, I prayed a prayer asking Jesus Christ to save me. (Get over it Reformed brethern!) I have been a Child Of God ever since.
The one thing I remember clearly is the First verses Jimmy gave me once I was saved by God's Grace.
"And this is the record, That God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things I have written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."- 1 John 5: 11-13
He followed with this... "No one can take this from you."
I look back on this often and Praise God for his wonderful Grace and Mercy.
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