Sometimes a christian man gets to much time to think. It is Independence day, and I am , as with most holidays, spending it alone. Since my family has all grown and gone, I find myself in a situation that would depress many middle age men. Yet in my solitude, I can honestly say that I have my most enjoyable times, for it is at this time that I can lose myself in prayer, and contemplation on the things of God.
I can read, without distraction, play my recorders, without annoying, pray without interruption. and enjoy peaceful fellowship with my Father and the The Lord Jesus. It is my sincere hope that You who read this are having a Happy Fourth...
Now to the blog. (Double click the chart for a larger picture)
I have not always leaned to reformed theology. As an Independent Baptist, I was spooked with various pamphlets and articles on the Dangers of "Hyper Calvinism." At best I was a "2 point" Calvinist" With a slight lean to 3...Also as an Independent Baptist, I can't recall any clear and concise teachings on predestination.

It was there that I hit a wall. I read the section of the book on predestination, and quickly realized that he was a "Calvinist." I continued to read his works, avoiding his views on predestination like the plague.
Yet something kept eating at me to investigate. So I set to do a topical study on predestination.
I bought Sproul's "Chosen By God, " and for a balanced view, "Chosen but free" by Norm Geisler.
Books and Bible in hand, with much prayer, I took to the study. By the time I was done, God's sovereignty won out over free will, and I jumped from a "2 to 3 point" Calvinist to a 4 pointer...
Still struggling with the Doctrine of Limited Atonement. There were so many scriptures that showed Christ dying for THE WORLD, and that ALL should come to repentance. I continued in what was to me a major struggle, that ended when was introduced to Pastor Jim McClarty.

To make what is already a long story short, Jim's teaching finally settled my dilemma. He not only was able to expound on all the "Questionable Scriptures", He used simple logic to draw the teaching of "Universal Atonement" to it's logical conclusion. Hence, after much notebook scribbling, software failing, and Microsoft Paint struggling, The above Flow chart. titled "The "Universal Atonement Dilemma." It started as a notebook doodle drawn while attending my little buddies t-ball game, and blossomed into this fine piece of artwork you see above..
And coming out on the heals of the "Emergent Flow Chart" posted in "Pyromaniacs"
this post seemed most timely... At least to me.
Dilemma-"A problem that seems to defy a satisfactory solution."
Could this more than describe the teaching of Universal Atonement? As You can see from the chart, there is no way to show that universal atonement, can be biblical. you are either forced to believe in universalism, or you must limit the atonement in a way that contrasts what is Clearly taught in God's Word.
In Closing, This meager artist rendering is not set in stone... If you can find a way to throw a wrench in the works, feel free to comment as always, but if you can't, a word study on the words "WORLD" and "All" might be of some help in answering this puzzle. If all else fails, there is a link in the sidebar to Grace Christian Assembly, the website where you can find the teachings if Pastor Jim McClarty. Humorous, Easy to understand, and Filled with Bible Scripture, his "Doctrines of Grace" sermon series is some of the best teaching on reformed theology I have seen to date...
In the near future , Lord Willing I will do a companion Flowchart on Limited Atonement...But for now, May the Lord Bless you... Happy 4th!
An excellent, thought-provoking blog article as always, Dorian. Thank you for a good, hearty meal and an interesting piece of artwork to ponder! I, too, began my new life in Christ as a 2 or 3-point Calvinist (waivered several times), then I graduated to a 4-point where I lingered for some time. Eventually I realised that if one correctly understands the 4-points then one must accept all 5-points. It was overcoming resistance to the difficult doctrine of Limited Atonement that finally brought me to the truth of the living Word of God.
ReplyDeleteFree will was a tough one, too. It would be great if you could write article on this contentious subject ;)
Hope you enjoyed a blessed 4th of July, my brother. God bless you. Your servant in Christ.
Hi Dorian,
ReplyDeleteAnother great article. It is always the "L" in the Calvinist TULIP theology that takes people longer to accept. I know, I went through the same process. Good job on the flowchart too. I know how long these take to do.
Hoe you have a blessed 4th of July.
God bless you brother.
By the way, Dorian, thank you for adding the sound and solidly biblical links to your Blog. They are very edifying and much appreciated. Soli Deo Gloria!
ReplyDeleteThank you my dear brother and sister, especially for not chiding me about my spelling, My editor...Roommate is with family for the Holiday,
ReplyDeleteSo I kinda had to wing it...Found one error already... God Bless you both!- Soli Dio Gloria!
Romans 6:23
Amen to Romans 6:23. You are welcome, brother. No worries, imperfect spelling doesn't deter us. As you know, my beloved husband wasn't pointing to a garden implement ("hoe") in his comment so you are not alone in the spell check department! We are both looking forward to your next article which is certain to be as absorbing as ever. NO pressure! ;)
ReplyDeleteGod bless you, Dorian, you and your family are in our prayers. Your sister in our blessed Lord Jesus Christ,
(Romans 16:16)