Thursday, February 12, 2009


Last night I had the opportunity to view a You Tube video by Rob Bell, on the subject "Everything is spiritual. " Now I have questioned a lot of his teachings, and I personally believe he wrong on many issues concerning spirituality, but I never really read his books, or viewed any of his videos, in depth, so I kept my comments to myself. Especially since a minister friend of mine sometimes quotes him on his blog.

As I was listening I suddenly heard him make the statement that "to label one area as spiritual is to label other areas not spiritual... It's absolutely foreign to the world of the scriptures, it's absolutely foreign to the worldview of Jesus." (this is an exact quote)... this did not seem right to me, because the Bible states that there is the "spiritual", and there is the "carnal"... two distinct and opposite categories where life issues are concerned . Sooooo, I posted this comment, (copied and pasted below from the site.)


Soldier7of7Christ (12 hours ago) Show Hide
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Sorry Rob, The bible makes distinctions between that which is Spiritual and that which is CARNAL...
Romans Chapter 8 says that there are those who walk after the flesh, and there are those who walk after the Spirit. Galatians 5:19-23 differentiates between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. There is more, but the point is...Everything is NOT Spiritual...


As I re-read my post, and re-listened to the video, Looking at Mr. Bell with his giant dry erase board passionately expounding upon his topic in front of his more-than-likely very large gathering, I wondered if anyone caught his error, or is everyone hanging on every word he said. I thought about how everyone in that room was being exposed to something false and unbiblical, and his emphatic statement that, to call something not spiritual is foreign to scripture, and how deceiving a statement such as that is. Soooooo, I wrote another post. (After removing a re-post of the first post)....uh..yeah....
"The sad part is that he makes such emphatic statements that, young people, who would rather get their theology from "Velvet Elvis" than the Holy Bible, soak it up like a sponge soaks up urine."
As I looked at the words I just finished typing I wondered if I was too harsh. Maybe I should use the word "water" instead of urine... I knew that I was not only equating Rob Bell's teaching as urine, I was Implying that his congregation was absorbing it like a sponge... Then, in the spirit of Martin Luther, I pressed the post button.
I woke up this morning, and having nothing better to do, I went to the You Tube video where I left the post, half expecting to not only be flamed by "Rob Bell- idol worshipers", but reproved by fellow brothers for my poor choice of metaphors. I found however, that although my first post was still there, my second one was removed... I looked to the information window to see who posted the video and found that it was a site created by Zondervan Book Publishers, so I could hardly blame them for removing my post. Rob Bell being one of it's best selling authors...I was grateful that they did not remove the first post (at least not as I am writing this) and I have no intention of reposing it on their site or any other...

I have been told by preachers that I have the grace of a buzz saw,
when it comes to making my opinions known. But it provokes me in the spirit that someone who has the intelligence and passion for teaching as Rob Bell can make such direct statements to his people, knowing that they will take him at his word, without even cracking open their Bible to see if he is right...This was also common among cult leaders such as Herbert (and Garner Ted) Armstrong, The Watchtower Bible and Tract society, and many others
I know enough about Mr. Bell from his videos and what is in his books, that his teachings, for the most part. are unbiblical. and any purchase of his literature will go in my pseudo-christian and cult section of my library. But what really bothers me is, considering his views on hell, original sin, and the inspiration of the Scriptures, that anyone who claims to be a Christian book publisher, would promote his writings. or that a Christian book seller would sell them....But, I guess the almighty dollar is the bottom line...
If you are a follower of Rob Bell's teachings and I have offended you, I am truly sorry, but my opinion, if you believe or promote the DOCTRINE he teaches. and have ever slammed the door on a Jehovah's witness of a need to find them...and apologize...
As for me, I do not Regret the post, and I guess my Statement was kinda "Martin-Luthery", (There's a new buzzword for you emergent types...) but I still hold to the belief. that error should be exposed. As well as those who promote it... The eternal destiny of many souls are at stake. and that is something a Christian should be passionate about...

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