Friday, January 22, 2010


After dinking around with the Html of my music player, I finally got it to fit in the sidebar of my blog. As a total amateur on working with html, I made it fit by reducing the width of each element until I could fit it into my sidebar... A short time later I came to find that the website I downloaded the player from, catered to Blogger, so I in a scene, wasted my time... Oh well, either way I have a couple of righteous tunes for people to listen while viewing . As of right now there are only two songs, as I figure that most people will not spend more than a few minutes reading what I have to say. I will probably add a few more but just getting the thing running was a personal victory... Thank you Lord...

One of the groups, Eden's Bridge is a personal favorite of mine. Most of their work is found in a series of "Celtic" Cd's which are increasingly hard to find. This particular song, "Fear No Evil" from the"Celtic Psalms" Cd, is an excellent example, of well crafted, Christian music. I own almost all their studio Cd's and there is not a dud in the bunch. The beautiful vocals of Sara Lacy and the superior musicianship of the rest of the group, sets it far above most of the corporate spewed garbage, that labels itself C.C.M today.

"Water Grave" is a song originally made popular by the Imperials and here covered by Atomic Opera. One of my favorite metal bands in the 90's. A cool tune that reminds me of the river baptisms performed, at an old country Baptist church I used to attend...

...And now my brothers and sisters and friends and family ect...on to the garbage!!!!

That being said, I would like to "Bless" you now with a video that is so absolutely horrible that I won't even include it in my "battle of the band's segment." I don't Know what "Multi screened Christian Entertainment Center" puked this up, but it is truly the most pitiful display of worldliness I have seen lately. Supposedly done at a "Encounter Generation Youth Conference" a bunch of white youth pastors donned the stage in fake bling , do-rags, and hoodies, thinking this tasteless (c)rap would bring young'ins a viable alternative to the problem of the overly provocative "Front hug"... Give me TWO breaks... Well, for your viewing pleasure...SIGH...

Even if this was a parody it is still a horrible excuse for anything remotely Christian. The lyrics are absolutely atrocious. Check this out!

"I'm a "rough rider" filled up with Christ's love

YO YO YO! Do we have a problem here! Did any of these youth directors do any research on urban slang? A "rough rider" is a brand RIBBED OR SPIKED CONDOM! What is one to think... Filled up with Christ's love? It is also a urban slang term for ... well... look it up for yourselves...

"I ain't dat scared So call yo mama, you'll be riding home in a coma"

Hmmm... A front hug is sinful, but putting someone in a coma is not...

"I'm goin' global cause you don't know me, I'm buying babies like Angelina Jolie"

Say What???? This is just... very offensive. It is this kind of Garbage that gives those who are hostile, fodder for continued ridicule of the Christian Faith. Absolute garbage.

And Folks, If Hugging someone gives you a case of the "randies," SHAKE HANDS....DUH!

Well... enough of that. If this song so offended you, feel free to cleanse your "aural palate" by listening to the righteous tunes in the player in the sidebar, I really strained a braincell getting it in there. well, bye for now, and God's Blessings to the brethren of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.- 1 John 2:15

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment, Although I can agree with that statement to a certain extent, you have to think that it is not such a happy occasion when you detour into a garbage dump...
    I did not think this was even funny or cute... but perhaps that just me...]]]SHUDDER[[[
