A Few posts ago I. recommended a sermon by a true modern day prophet, Brother Paul Washer. There is a small widget in the sidebar of this blog where the sermon resides. Since I have added the widget, There has been this video which I found uploaded, on a fellow brothers YouTube site.
Mind you it is only audio. but none the less, the message is important. So until the posting of my next entry, please give this a prayerful listen.
I beseech you brethren and sisters, once again, If you Get nothing from this blog, PLEASE consider listening to this message, for many of you, your life might depend on it.
Beloved, now are we children of God, and it is not yet made manifest what we shall be. We know that, if He shall be manifested, we shall be like Him; for we shall see him even as He is. And every one that hath this hope set on him PURIFIETH HIMSELF, even as He is pure.-1 John3:2-3
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Culturally relevant Jesus...

"When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar- Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven."
Matthew 16:13-17

The question has carried on even to this day. Who is Jesus? Who do men say that The Son of man is today?
Mormons Believe he is the spirit brother of Lucifer, one of a myriad of gods. Jehovah's Witnesses believe he is Michael the Archangel, the first and Greatest creation of Jehovah. Muslims Believe he is one in the line of the prophets, but he is not divine. New Agers believe that he is a man who obtained the "Christ Consciousness" You could go on for volumes.... Everyone Has an opinion on Who Jesus Christ is.
In a post-modern culture, where "there is no absolute truth," The Lord Jesus Christ has become like a lump of clay, which each individual can Mold to fit his given convictions and life style. The Jesus Christ of the Bible is sacrificed on a humanist alter of cultural relevancy, and the results are quite pathetic. The Holy one of Israel is traded for a Jesus, so motivated by "LOVE" that he has no other attributes, an Effeminate Jesus who would never condemn, never anger, never hurt their fragile self image...
And the church, Being no better, has Replaced the Lamb of God with a cheap imitation. Reverence for Christ, God manifested in the flesh is replaced with Shallow relationships where Jesus is now a "Homeboy,"

"Worthy is the Lamb that hath been slain to receive the power, and riches, and wisdom, and might and honor, and glory, and blessing."- Revelation 5:12
Now Please don't get me Wrong, I Do Believe that the Christian faith is a relationship, as opposed to a religion, but our relationship needs to be tempered with the proper understanding of who Jesus Christ actually is. You would not walk into the presence of a world leader, flop your arm around his shoulder and say-"Wassup Homeboy, " and if you tried, you would be quickly reprimanded... How much more so The Lord Jesus Christ, who is infinitely more worthy of worship and respect? Is He not the King of kings and the Lord of lords? (Revelation 17:14)
Isaiah, when he stood in the temple saw The pre-incarnate Christ, pronounced an Oracle of doom upon himself because of his filthy mouth. (Isaiah 6) When Paul was in the presence of the post- resurrected Christ, the was knocked from his horse and blinded. (Acts 26:13)
How can we delude ourselves into thinking we can stand in his presence, and call him anything less than Lord and Savior? It should be a very sobering thought that when the time comes, we will not only be standing before our Savior, we will be standing before GOD.
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father"- (Phillipians 2:10-11)
Jesus is LORD. He is GOD, He is our SAVIOR, and He should be worshiped in the Beauty of Holiness. He is not "Buddy Christ". He deserves better than to be reduced to a bobblehead,
or a irreverent t-shirt. He deserves praise out of a pure heart, not ungodly pop songs that have his name squeezed in to "sanctify" them. (See previous post) Christians, we need to consider our ways...and wake up. One day we will ALL give an account..
Peter responded to Jesus by proclaiming "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. "
And Jesus said that flesh and blood did not reveal it to him, but The Father in Heaven,
I fear that Christ today is revealed more from the FLESH than anything remotely spiritual...
We should be ashamed of ourselves and repent on our knees for the false teaching , worldly worship and our superficial attitude we have toward our Savior.
Reverence should NEVER be sacrificed for relevance.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Worship Music Battle of the Bands II
It's that time again folks! the second installment of the Worship Music Battle of the Bands! Last week we featured music from representatives of a Sovereign Grace ministry, and a Emergent Liberal heresy . This week it's "Pentecostal/Charismatic" v.s. "Seeker sensitive" worship leaders, as we enter in to round two of our contest.
Contestant one is "the founder of FIRE RAIN MINISTRIES, an established, covered ministry that is sent out by Apostle and Pastor Robert Summers and Mt. Creek Church in Dallas, Texas. He is also a dynamic prophetic minister that is being used to set the church as well as the lost free through his deep, heart gripping music, prophetic words, and passionate messages. a very talented musician, he was also a worship leader for the Lakeland revivals which included the ministry of the infamous Todd Bentley. Ladies and Gentlemen, Rick Pino and his Band!!!
If this is deep heart gripping music... one can only be more moved by his prophetic words and passionate message
"Give Him Glory, Give Him Glory, Give Him Glory!!!! Yeah... We love the LORDY!
Rick Pino is a talented musician, And he does have much better music than this. But let me ask you something, Does placing the name of Jesus in a song, (originally sang by a transvestite in the 80's group "Dead or Alive") actually sanctify the music?
Does it give Glory to God, or does it appeal to the flesh?
Our second contestant solves this question of adding Jesus to worldly music. He
is the "Worship Leader" for the "Seeker Sensitive" NewSpring Church, and is famous for introducing controversial music to the worship service. Here is a Fine example of
the anointed music played at their Easter Church service. So without further delay, Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, to the Glory Of God...Lee McDerment
and the NewSpring Band!
Sigh....I have been banned from all You tube sites hosted by NewSpring Church, for
my rather passionate opinions concerning their choice in church music. but since this is My blogsite, I can feel free to comment as I wish... But in this case I would rather simply let The Holy Spirit of God speak in my place. Heed the word of the Lord!
"For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."- (2 Corinthians 6: 14b-17)
If this is deep heart gripping music... one can only be more moved by his prophetic words and passionate message
"Give Him Glory, Give Him Glory, Give Him Glory!!!! Yeah... We love the LORDY!
Rick Pino is a talented musician, And he does have much better music than this. But let me ask you something, Does placing the name of Jesus in a song, (originally sang by a transvestite in the 80's group "Dead or Alive") actually sanctify the music?

Our second contestant solves this question of adding Jesus to worldly music. He
is the "Worship Leader" for the "Seeker Sensitive" NewSpring Church, and is famous for introducing controversial music to the worship service. Here is a Fine example of
the anointed music played at their Easter Church service. So without further delay, Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, to the Glory Of God...Lee McDerment
and the NewSpring Band!
Sigh....I have been banned from all You tube sites hosted by NewSpring Church, for
my rather passionate opinions concerning their choice in church music. but since this is My blogsite, I can feel free to comment as I wish... But in this case I would rather simply let The Holy Spirit of God speak in my place. Heed the word of the Lord!
"For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."- (2 Corinthians 6: 14b-17)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What We Take Pleasure In...

I have had a project in my mind for some time, something I would consider fun, but also informative. and it is based on the 32nd verse of Romans Chapter one
"Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them."
This verse is the end of a narrative with closes with a list of things that are considered "worthy of death," I think we should grab a hold of this seriousness of that phrase, "worthy of death." The people that do these things will die in their sins. What is worse than that is, not only do they commit sin, they take pleasure in others that do the same. Christian, what do you take pleasure in?
Amen... and Oh my...for this is also a product of self examination, What do I take pleasure in, is it pleasing to God? Or is it "Worthy of death?
What we take time to enjoy should be a concern for every Christian. We are commanded to separate from worldly elements, (1 John 2:15-17), to abstain from the very appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5: 22) and to Touch not the unclean thing. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
but sadly, the church is steeped in worldly elements, even to the point of using Hollywood movies as a basis for sermons, and secular rock songs in worship services. Hollywood and the music industry have replaced the Holy Spirit in drawing people to Christ, and the results
are tragic.
So using a list of sins culled from the first chapter of Romans, I thought it would be informative to create a checklist, in the form of a spreadsheet, to critique various things that we enjoy, and see how they stands in the light of God's Word. And because it is such an easy target, I decided to start with television, and perhaps move on to music and movies. I am sure the results will be interesting to say the least.
Friday, June 5, 2009
My recently abandoned addiction to You Tube has left me with a few videos in my hard drive. As I began the process of elimination, to free up drive space for something more edifying, I had to chuckle at some of the downloads I accrued. Some were beautiful and powerful songs of worship, from such bands as Eden's Bridge, Iona, Lianne Klassen. Others were bona fide STINKERS, of which I have no idea why I downloaded. So, for fun, instead of deleting them to the recycle bin I Chose to post them for your viewing pleasure...As you Watch, Feel free to choose which one, if either give Glory to God, and The Lord Jesus Christ...Soooooooo...LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... TIME FOR THE WORSHIP MUSIC BATTLE OF THE BANDS!
Contestant number one is a pastor of a Sovereign Grace Church in Smyrna Tennessee. A Former musician for the Hard Rock Band "707," He is now a Gifted teacher, author and a superior musician, Who played ALL the instruments on this video! representing Grace Christian Assembly...Pastor Jim McClarty!!!!
Beautifully done! Reverent worship music that Gives Glory to our Sovereign God! I praise the Lord for Pastor Jim and His ministry!
Our next contestant is a prolific author and teacher of Liberal emergent doctrine. He VEHEMENTLY denies many of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian Faith, and is more concerned with social action than evangelizing. considered the "Godfather" of the Emergent Church Movement, he is also the founding Pastor of Ceder Ridge Community church, in Spencerville Maryland. From His Debut CD, "Songs For a Revolution of Hope, Here is Brian McLaren and Friends performing "Atheist!"
Ummm... o.k...whew... uh, well, Bob Dylan has nothing to worry about here. This piece has a strange "late 60's too much acid creepiness" about it. but then again, so does Brian's theology... I wonder what this would sound like backmasked...
So 'Ere ya have it, the first two contestants in the Worship Music Battle of the Bands.
Feel Free to leave your vote in the comment section, along with any flame you wish to light under my tail... Until next time, Good Bye and God Bless!
Contestant number one is a pastor of a Sovereign Grace Church in Smyrna Tennessee. A Former musician for the Hard Rock Band "707," He is now a Gifted teacher, author and a superior musician, Who played ALL the instruments on this video! representing Grace Christian Assembly...Pastor Jim McClarty!!!!
Beautifully done! Reverent worship music that Gives Glory to our Sovereign God! I praise the Lord for Pastor Jim and His ministry!
Our next contestant is a prolific author and teacher of Liberal emergent doctrine. He VEHEMENTLY denies many of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian Faith, and is more concerned with social action than evangelizing. considered the "Godfather" of the Emergent Church Movement, he is also the founding Pastor of Ceder Ridge Community church, in Spencerville Maryland. From His Debut CD, "Songs For a Revolution of Hope, Here is Brian McLaren and Friends performing "Atheist!"
Ummm... o.k...whew... uh, well, Bob Dylan has nothing to worry about here. This piece has a strange "late 60's too much acid creepiness" about it. but then again, so does Brian's theology... I wonder what this would sound like backmasked...
So 'Ere ya have it, the first two contestants in the Worship Music Battle of the Bands.
Feel Free to leave your vote in the comment section, along with any flame you wish to light under my tail... Until next time, Good Bye and God Bless!
What's the Son of a Duck?
I am not a huge fan of television, particularly anything off of Comedy Central, but when was listening to a "Fighting for the Faith Broadcast" on Pirate Christian radio, They played a clip from the Colbert Report where Stephen Colbert was doing a spoof interview with Bart Ehrman, an Agnostic who has wrote a series of books that question the validity of the Bible. I thought the clip was interesting enough to share with those who might not yet have heard it...Here 'tis
I have read Colbert is a Devout Roman Catholic, and a Sunday school teacher, which would explain the Knowledge of The Apostles Creed. Be that as it may, as I pondered at this, I felt sadness in the fact that while many Christians would be amused at this, as I was, they would be more likely to embrace the garbage Spewed by Ehrman than raise any kind of Defense for the Word of God...
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Bart Ehrman | ||||
colbertnation.com | ||||
I have read Colbert is a Devout Roman Catholic, and a Sunday school teacher, which would explain the Knowledge of The Apostles Creed. Be that as it may, as I pondered at this, I felt sadness in the fact that while many Christians would be amused at this, as I was, they would be more likely to embrace the garbage Spewed by Ehrman than raise any kind of Defense for the Word of God...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Long time-No blog,
Although the title is probably far from original, it seems to fit well with my current status
concerning this site. Been spending A lot of time posting on You Tube. in areas that generate a lot of smoke, and no fire... much of it is like going out and yelling at a tree... Meanwhile, in thinking I am doing God a favor while posting in that freak show, several issues have been Brought to my attention concerning my walk with God. As I sit here at the desk, morning cup of coffee slowly growing cold, I happened to run into something that caused me to examine my life before my Heavenly Father. Instead of Going into great detail, I posted a widget from Heartcry Ministries, which appears to the left of this text. If you get nothing else from this Blog site, I encourage you to listen to the sermon, "Examine yourself" by Paul Washer.
It gave me Much to think about, and as I truly examine myself, I am not liking what I see...
concerning this site. Been spending A lot of time posting on You Tube. in areas that generate a lot of smoke, and no fire... much of it is like going out and yelling at a tree... Meanwhile, in thinking I am doing God a favor while posting in that freak show, several issues have been Brought to my attention concerning my walk with God. As I sit here at the desk, morning cup of coffee slowly growing cold, I happened to run into something that caused me to examine my life before my Heavenly Father. Instead of Going into great detail, I posted a widget from Heartcry Ministries, which appears to the left of this text. If you get nothing else from this Blog site, I encourage you to listen to the sermon, "Examine yourself" by Paul Washer.
It gave me Much to think about, and as I truly examine myself, I am not liking what I see...
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